Thursday, March 3, 2016


Welcome to a new month.  It's a beautiful day in the foothills.  The wild flowers are prolific.  Poppies, Fiddle necks and Minors lettuce is awesome.  Red buds are starting to bloom and the lupine is coming soon.  If you haven't had a chance to take a drive on the Blossom Trail, please do so, and don't forget your camera.
Here at the center we have many blossoms and you can be one of them.  Please mark your calendar for the following dates:
Sat. March 5, BINGO, Spaghetti Dinner will be served from 5:00 - 6;30. Brandy's bunch will begin at 7:00 for a fun night of Bingo.
Mon. March 14,RED HATTERS, Thrift Shopping.  Car pool from the center at 9:00 am. Fun Day for all.
Tues. March 15, JAM SESSION, Come over and enjoy a delicious meal of hotdogs, hamburgers or bowl of chili starting at 5:30 - 6:30.  Stay and enjoy the great mountain music from our local musicians.
Wed. March 16, MARCH POT LUCK, Bring your favorite dish and help celebrate St. Patrick's Day at the center.  Wear your green.
Fri. March 18, EMPTY BOWLS, Soup/Stew Kettles Dinner starting at 5:30pm.. If you would like to donate your favorite soup or stew it would be greatly appreciated. Individual tickets are $25. each.  This is Sierrs High Senior Joseph Mengonia's project, so come and support him and the center."A Full Kettle Will Fill Many Bowls"
Fri, March 18, COMPUTER ASSISTANCE CLASS, from 10:30 - 11:30
Fri, March 25,WAFFLE BREAKFAST,Start your day with a delicious meal of waffles, bacon, choice of eggs and hot coffee for only $7.00.  Serving starts at 7:00 - 10:00am.
Sat. March 26, SPRING BOUTIQUE, Lots of homemade items which makes great gift ideas.  Open at 9:00 - 3:00pm.  Connie's famous cinnamon rolls $1.25 each, Costco Dog lunch $6.00 starting at 11:00..  Space still available for $10.00.
 Happy Birthday to all the March birthday folks.  Don't forget to renew your membership. Remember all the weekly activities, crafts, Nickel Bingo, quilters, computer Classes, Crochet Assistance, and Low Impact Exercise.  If you can volunteer at the center, we have a few duties that can be performed, call the center for details.
Coming in April:  April 13, Volunteer Luncheon, if you know of a special volunteer, pick up a form at the center 
MENU FOR THE WEEK:  Thurs. March 3, Hearty Beef/veggie stew, brown rice, wheat bread Hi C salad, diced peaches; Fri. March 4, Macaroni & Cheese, mixed veggies, diced pears, vanilla pudding, Mon, March 7, Polish Sausage dog,(onion/bell pepper) peas/carrots, fruited jell-o, Tues, March  8; Fettuccine Chicken Alfredo, Hi c salad, pineapple tidbits; Wed, March 9, Pepper steak w/gravy, veggie medley, wheat bread, diced peaches.   


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Library Corner....Books of the Month! For Info contact our Librarian, Linda Reavely

  • Crusade of Eagles by William Johnstone
  • Dance of the Gods by Nora Roberts
  • Going Home by Nora Roberts
  • Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill
  • Murder at Wrightsville Beach by Ellen Elizabeth Hunter