Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Delightful December

This year is coming to an end.   What a year it was. Many thanks to all of you who volunteer at the center and to all of you who come and support the many events!  You are greatly appreciated!! 
Coming Up in December
Fri. Dec. 9 Bunco starting at 9:00 am.  Bring a white elephant gift for exchange.
Sat. Dec. 10, Christmas Dinner starting at 5pm to 7pm. Ham, turkey & all the fixings. Tickets for the Christmas baskets can be purchased at the event.  Winners will be drawn that night.
Mon. Dec. 12, Pre school with Teacher Tracy,coming to the center to teach  a Christmas craft. 
Wed. Dec. 14, Fresno County Library will be at the center at 10 am  to give out information and advantages that the library has to offer.
Mon. Dec. 19, Breakfast with Santa.  He will be here from 7am to 10 am to hear all your Christmas wishes. Don't forget to order a yummy breakfast of eggs, cooked to order, bacon and a waffle.
Tues. Dec. 20, Jam Session.  Starting at 5:30 pm, come on over and grab a hamburger, cheeseburger, hot dog or bowl of chili plus soda and including dessert.  Hang around to hear our local musicians and Cowboy Poet.
Wed. Dec. 21, Last pot luck of the year.  Bring your favorite Christmas dish. If you have an ugly hat or sweater, be sure and wear them that day. 
Mon. Dec. 26, The center will be closed for the holiday. Have A Very Merry Christmas
Mon. Jan. 2, 2017 the center will be closed for the holiday    Happy New Year.
Don't forget our daily activities, Monday, crafts and low impact exercise;  Tuesday, Nickel Bingo and quilters; Wednesday, Computer class and crafts; Thursday, beginning quilt class.
Menu for Thurs.  Dec. 8, BBQ pork sandwich, broccoli Normandy, pineapple tidbits; Fri. Dec. 9
Seasoned chicken thigh, baked potato, wheat bread & mixed fruit; Mon. Dec. 12, Pesto Chicken bow-tie pasta, sliced carrots, tangerine & vanilla pudding; Tues. Dec. 13, Pepper steak w/gravy, vegetables,wheat bread & diced peaches; Wed. Dec. 14, Chicken thigh, w/mushroom sauce, sweet potato, wheat bread, diced pears; Thurs. Dec. 15, Polish sausage dog w/pepper & onions, peas & carrots, tropical fruit; Fri Dec. 16 ,Breaded fish, wheat roll, tossed salad w/broccoli & mixed fruit.  Remember to call in your request before noon, for a meal a day ahead of time.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


The Holiday Season is upon us and the Center is getting ready for lots of fun activities. Come and participate
Friday ,Nov. 4, Bunco anyone? Starting at 9 am this Friday, call the center 855-3300 if you are interested.  
Mon. Nov. 7   9 am, the center is gift wrapping items to hand out to the boys/girls during Santa's visit.  If you can donate toys for teen boys, it would be greatly appreciated.  Come and help wrap. 
Tues. Nov 8,  Please don't forget to vote  
Thurs. Nov. 11, 11:30 am.The center will be closed. Luncheon will be served to all Veterans and spouses or caregivers. Let us honor those who served for our country.  Can you donate a dessert?
 Call the center for reservations.
Sat. Nov. 12,  9 - 3 pm Annual Holiday Craft Show at Foothill Elementary School. Over 40 vendors, gift wrapping available, silent auction, and food.
That night Community Bingo at the Senior Center starting at 5 pm. Meatloaf Dinner for $8.00.
Tues. Nov. 15, Jam Session, Starting at 5:30 pm. hamburgers/hot dogs or chili will be ready.  The Cowboy Poet will be here to entertain you as well as awesome music by our local musicians. 
Wed. Nov. 23, Thanksgiving Luncheon prepared by Jeanie Duke and committee. Sign up to bring veggie, rolls, salad or dessert.
Thurs. Nov. 24 and Fri. Nov. 25 The center will be closed for Thanksgiving. 
Sat. Nov. 26, Soup & Pie. 5 pm  $8.00 - all you can eat.  There is a sign up sheet at the front desk.  
Bring your favorite Soup or Pie, Needed are Crackers and corn bread.
Wed. Nov. 30 The High School Choir will be here at 10:30. Come and listen to these talented group of high schooler's. Followed by the month end Birthday Bash . Please donate cookies.
In December, - Breakfast with Santa on Friday, Dec. 2 and on Monday, Dec. 19, starting at 7 am till 10:00. 
Have a great month and hope to see you at the Center.  Remember renew your membership.

Friday, August 12, 2016


What a great time to be at the center.  Here is a list of events coming this month.Be sure and mark your calendar.
Tues. Aug 16, Jam Session.  Enjoy a bite to eat and listen to some great music and of course, our own Cowboy Poet.  All the fun starts at 5:30.
Wed. Aug 17, Diane's dichroic glass class starting at 9:00 am..  New glass has just arrived, come on over and be creative.
Fri. Aug 19, Computer Assistance starting at 10:30.  If you have questions and need assistance come over to the center.
Sat. Aug 20, International Buffet Dinner, starting at 5:00 pm. Come taste foods from all over the world.  Cost is $10.00 per person. Children $4.00.  If you would like to make a dish please contact the cente, 559-855-3300.
Wed. Aug 31, Birthday Bash.  Come  and help  celebrate all those who's birthday are in August.
Other events at the center:  Bunco!!.  The next game will be on Friday September 9, 2016 starting at 9:00 am.From then on it is scheduled for the first Friday of the month.  If interested call the center for details 559-855-3300.
Flu Shot Clinic coming Sept.20 starting at 9:30 am - 11: am. $6.00 per shot, if you have
medicare, bring your card and the shot is free
Chili Cook-off coming in October. We need donations for the silent auction, and we need you "Chili Heads" to sign-up and  enter your recipes; only $10.
Remember to renew your membership. 
Menu for Aug 15, Swiss Beef Patty, mashed potatoes, bread, apricots; Tues. Aug 16, Chicken Thigh w/mushroom sauce, mixed vegetables, wheat roll, applesauce; Wed. Aug  17, Spaghetti w/meatballs, salad; Aug. 18, Enchilada Casserole, green salad, fruited jello; Fri. Aug 19, Tuna Sandwich, potato soup, tropical fruit.  Remember to call in your order before 11:30 the day before.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Here's to July

July, another busy month at the Center. There is so much to offer at the center, pyut an effort into thinking and feeling young! Join us and become ageless
.Mon. July 11, Red Hatters Birthday Party starting at 10:00 am at the center, wear your best finery and bring on the bling.
.Sat. July 16, Pie Contest.  The contest starts at 10:00 am through noon.  There will be prizes for the best pies which will be sold a la mode at $5.00 a slice when the contest is over.  Bakers, come enter your best pie.
Tues, July 19 Jam Session.  Give yourself a break from the hot kitchen.  Hamburger, cheeseburger, hot dog or a bowl of chill is offered.  Stay and enjoy the music from our talented foothill musicians and stories from the Cowboy Poet.
Wed. July 20, Jewelry Class at 9:00 am.  Come and be creative
Fri. July 22, Computer Assistance Class starting at 10:30.  Questions want answered, come on over.
Wed. July 27, Birthday Bash.  Come on over and help the celebrate the July birthday folks.  At 10:00 am  Misty Harrison will present "Memory Care"
Things coming up at the Center:  Chili Cook-off October 22.  The center needs chili cookers and silent auction items.  Be sure and sign up at the center.
Don't Forget Mary's Closet, open Mondays and Wednesdays.  All proceeds go to the center.
Senior Menu for Thurs. July 7, Tuna Salad or Hot Dog, chili beans;  Fri, July 8 Chef Salad or Cheeseburger,potato wedges; Mon. July 11, Pasta & Chicken Salad or Swiss Beef Patty w/mashed potato.
Tues, July 12, Chef Salad or Enchilada Casserole; Wed. July 13 Cottage Cheese Salad or Tuna Salad Sandwich; Thurs. July 14 Chef Salad w/broccoli or Italian Chicken Thigh; Fri. July 15,  Teriyaki Chicken Salad or Spaghetti w/meatballs.
Remember to renew your membership.Have a great month.

Monday, June 6, 2016


A beautiful month to be active at the Sierra Oaks Community & Senior Center.  The big event this month is the Community Yard Sale on Saturday, June 25 starting at 8:00 am - 2:00 pm.  Country Breakfast starts at 7:00 - 10:00 am.
Congratulations to the re-elected Board Members.  If you have any suggestions for activities or fund raisers for the center please call 559-855-3300.
Primary Voting is Tuesday June 7, the center is a poling place for the elections.  
Monday, June 13, Red Hatters will  meet at Diane Pratt's House for a pajama party brunch potluck, starting at 10:00 am. 
Friday, June 17 is computer assistance class starting at 10:30 - 11:30 am.  If you have any questions and need someone with answers, come on over.
Tuesday, June 21, Jam Session. It starts at 5:30 pm with a casual meal, then our local musicians and Cowboy Poet will be on hand for your delightful entertainment.
Saturday, June 25, Country Brakfast and Yard Sale.  Breakfast starts at 7:00 - 10:00 and Yard sale starts at 8:00 - 2:00pm.  Clean out your closets, garages, barns and bring the items over to sell, or just come for a visit. Yard Sale space is still available; $10 per space.
Wednesday, June 29, Birthday Bash.  Come to the center and celebrate all the June birthdays..
Don't forget out weekly activities, crafts, nickel bingo, quilting, and low impact exercise classes.
Be sure and check out "Mary's Closet".  All proceeds go to the center.
Summer Salads are on the menu for June and July.  Remember to call in the day before to order your meal.
Tuesday, June 7, Teriyaki Chicken Salad, or Spaghetti w/meatballs; Wed. June 8 Chef Salad or Enchilada Casserole; Thurs. June 9 Tuna Salad or Swiss Beef Patty; Fri. June 10 Chef Salad or Tuna Salad Sandwich.
FREE WIFI HOT SPOT available at Sierra Oaks Senior & Community Center sponsored by PONDEROSA TELEPHONE CO.
Fresno Fair Catalogs are now available at the center.
Please remember to renew your membership.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Ah May, a beautiful month

Welcome to the Sierra Oaks Senior and Community Center.  Come and be a part of all the events at the center.  Mark your calendar. Remember your membership renewal.
Sat, May 7th, Community Bingo.  Chicken enchilada dinner starting at 5:00-6:30 with Bingo at 7:00.  Cost just $8.00.
Mon. May 9, Red Hatters car pool from the center at 10:00 am to Chuckchansi for lunch.
 Cost around $15.00.
Tues, May 10, The Sierra High School Choir will be at the center at 10:00 am.
 Please come and show your support of these young people.
Wed. May 11, General Meeting at 10:00 am.  Be sure that your dues are up to date so that you can vote for Board Directors at the June General Meeting on June1.
Tues. May 17, Jam Session.  Give yourself a treat, come on over and enjoy a delicious hamburger, hot dog, or chili dog, or just a bowl of chili.  Dennis and Richard start serving at 5:30-6:30.   
Wed. May 18, Diane's Dichroic glass class, starting at 9:00.  Come and show your create-ability  Prices vary. 
 Wed. May 25, Birthday Bash, Come and celebrate all the May birthdays.
Fri. May 27, Last Waffle Breakfast until September.  A great way to start the morning..
 Starting at 7:00 - 10 am.   Waffle, eggs, cooked to order, and bacon, and coffee.  
 Mon. May 30, Center is Closed for Memorial Day
Don't forget all the weekly events. Monday, Crafts; Tuesday, Nickel  Bingo;, Wednesdays, Computer Class, Crafts & Crochet; Thursday, Beginners Quilting, Friday, Low Impact Exercise

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


It's a beautiful day at the Senior Center.  Come on over and enjoy the company and activities.
Mon. April 11, Red Hatters at 10:00 am  Thrift Shop Fashion Show.with pot luck.
Wed. April 13, Volunteer Luncheon @ 11:30. This is an opportunity to recognize the people who give of their time to the Center.  You are encouraged to attend to support and say "thanks".
Fri. April 15, Computer Assistance Class from 10:30 to 11:30 am.
Sat. April 16 Emergency Preparedness & Quilt Show @ the Mormon Church 9 - 2 pm.
Our Thursday Beginning Quilters will have their quilts on display.
Tues. April 19, Jam Session.  Come on over and enjoy a hot dog, hamburger, cheeseburger, or a bowl of chili while you sit back and enjoy the music of out talented musicians.Supper starts at 5:30.
Fri. April 29th, Waffle Breakfast, starting at 7:00 am to 10:00 am waffles, bacon and eggs to order.
Don't forget our regular daily activities, crafts, nickel bingo, quilters, computer class, Low impact exercise class.  Something for everyone. Don't forget to check out Mary's Closet, new and used clothing and much more. Open Mondays and Wednesdays.  Please remember to pay your dues.  Dues must be current in order to vote for the Board Directors at the June General Meeting. Looking ahead, Cinco de Mayo pot luck,Wed. May 4th.  Sierra High Choir will be at the center on Tuesday.May 10. Yard Sale Sat. June 25.  Now would be a great time to clean out your closets and reserve a space to sell, sell, sell. "55 and Alive  Drivers Safety Training" is in the near future as well as a "CPR" class.  If you are interested in any of these classes, please call the center. Classes are limited.

Thursday, March 3, 2016


Welcome to a new month.  It's a beautiful day in the foothills.  The wild flowers are prolific.  Poppies, Fiddle necks and Minors lettuce is awesome.  Red buds are starting to bloom and the lupine is coming soon.  If you haven't had a chance to take a drive on the Blossom Trail, please do so, and don't forget your camera.
Here at the center we have many blossoms and you can be one of them.  Please mark your calendar for the following dates:
Sat. March 5, BINGO, Spaghetti Dinner will be served from 5:00 - 6;30. Brandy's bunch will begin at 7:00 for a fun night of Bingo.
Mon. March 14,RED HATTERS, Thrift Shopping.  Car pool from the center at 9:00 am. Fun Day for all.
Tues. March 15, JAM SESSION, Come over and enjoy a delicious meal of hotdogs, hamburgers or bowl of chili starting at 5:30 - 6:30.  Stay and enjoy the great mountain music from our local musicians.
Wed. March 16, MARCH POT LUCK, Bring your favorite dish and help celebrate St. Patrick's Day at the center.  Wear your green.
Fri. March 18, EMPTY BOWLS, Soup/Stew Kettles Dinner starting at 5:30pm.. If you would like to donate your favorite soup or stew it would be greatly appreciated. Individual tickets are $25. each.  This is Sierrs High Senior Joseph Mengonia's project, so come and support him and the center."A Full Kettle Will Fill Many Bowls"
Fri, March 18, COMPUTER ASSISTANCE CLASS, from 10:30 - 11:30
Fri, March 25,WAFFLE BREAKFAST,Start your day with a delicious meal of waffles, bacon, choice of eggs and hot coffee for only $7.00.  Serving starts at 7:00 - 10:00am.
Sat. March 26, SPRING BOUTIQUE, Lots of homemade items which makes great gift ideas.  Open at 9:00 - 3:00pm.  Connie's famous cinnamon rolls $1.25 each, Costco Dog lunch $6.00 starting at 11:00..  Space still available for $10.00.
 Happy Birthday to all the March birthday folks.  Don't forget to renew your membership. Remember all the weekly activities, crafts, Nickel Bingo, quilters, computer Classes, Crochet Assistance, and Low Impact Exercise.  If you can volunteer at the center, we have a few duties that can be performed, call the center for details.
Coming in April:  April 13, Volunteer Luncheon, if you know of a special volunteer, pick up a form at the center 
MENU FOR THE WEEK:  Thurs. March 3, Hearty Beef/veggie stew, brown rice, wheat bread Hi C salad, diced peaches; Fri. March 4, Macaroni & Cheese, mixed veggies, diced pears, vanilla pudding, Mon, March 7, Polish Sausage dog,(onion/bell pepper) peas/carrots, fruited jell-o, Tues, March  8; Fettuccine Chicken Alfredo, Hi c salad, pineapple tidbits; Wed, March 9, Pepper steak w/gravy, veggie medley, wheat bread, diced peaches.   


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February- National Heart Month

This is Health Month. So take good care of your health. This Fri. Feb. 5th is National Wear Red Day.
For those of you who ordered Beer rocks, don't forget to pick them up this Saturday,Feb. 6th, 9am to noon.
Sat. Feb. 6th, Bingo & Dinner.  Chicken Fried Steak will be served from 5 to 6:30 pm.  At 7:00 pm, Brandy and her Bingo crew will begin a fun night.
Mon. Feb. 8  Red Hat's Baseball Cap Decorating. $5.00 decorating fee.
Wed. Feb. 10 Valentine's Party at the center.  Bring your favorite Chocolate dessert and wear red.
 Fun, games & prizes.
Mon. Feb. 15, President's Day, Center will be closed
Tues. Feb. 16 starting at 5:30pm - 8:00 enjoy a hot dog, hamburger, cheese burger or a bowl of chili while you stay to enjoy music played by our talented musicians.
Wed. Feb. 17, Dichoric Glass Class.  Starting at 9:00 am, come and design for yourself or for a friend, a beautiful piece of jewelry.
Thurs. Feb 18, Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) will be at the center
from 10am - 11;30 to answer any questions.
Fri. Feb. 19, Computer Assistance class will open from 10:30 to 11:30. if you need any assistance with your computer.
Wed. Feb. 24 Last Wed. of the month, "Birthday Bash".  Come and enjoy those Fabulous February Birthdays with a piece of cake.
Fri. Feb. 26, The Waffle Breakfast is back.  Starting at 7:00 am until 9:00 am you can have a delicious waffle with eggs cooked to your order, bacon and hot coffee or tea for only $7.00.  
Remember all the weekly events that are scheduled at the center:
Crafts on Mon. & Wed., Nickel Bingo and Quilters on Tues., Computer Class & Crochet Assistance on Wed., Beginner Quilting Class, Thurs.,Friday is Low Impact Exercise Class.
*Be sure and remember to renew your membership.  Only $20. per year per individual & $30. per family.
Local Artists you have an opportunity to display your work here at the center.  Call the center if your would like to display your artwork.  This can be anything that can be hung on the wall.
Meals for the week:  Thursday, Feb. 4, Breaded Fish, Broccoli Normandy, Wheat roll & applesauce; Friday Feb. 5, BBQ Chicken Thigh, sweet potato, wheat bread & diced pears; Monday Feb. 8 Meatballs & gravy, mashed potatoes, wheat bread & diced peaches; Tues. Feb 9, Hot pastrami Sandwich, tossed salad & tropical fruit. Wed. Feb. 10 Bean & cheese burrito, Spanish rice, tossed salad w/broccoli & apricots.Thurs. Feb. 11, salisbury steak w/gravy, wheat bread, baked potato & pineapple tidbits, Fri. Feb. 12 vegetarian Lasagna, Hi C salad, wheat roll & applesauce.  Suggested donations:  $1.50, non-senior rate: $3.50  

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Welcome to a New Year.

The center is filled with a lot of activities and we want you to be a part of it. Already started, the center is taking orders for Super Bowl Beer Rocks.  The price is $4.00 each with a maximum order of 2 dozen.  They will be ready for pick up on February 6th.  Call the center today to get your order in.  Don't forget the January membership renewal is due.  Single is $20, and dual $30.  Your contribution helps the center.
Saturday January 9th, Community Bingo, Lasagna dinner starting at 5:00 - 6:30 for only $8.00.  Stay for Brandi's Bingo starting at 7:00 pm, you might be top winner.
Tuesday, January 19th, Jam Session.  Let Dennis,Richard and crew cook up a great meal.  Starting at 5:30 until 7:00 you can get a hamburger or hotdog, or a good bowl of chili with a choice of potato salad or chips.  And there is always dessert. Stay to enjoy our talented musicians from around the area.
Wednesday Jan. 27th,  New Year's Pot luck Lunch along with the Birthday Bash
Local Artists, you are encourage to show off your art work at the center .If you have paintings, needlepoint or any type of wall hanging, you would like to share, just call the center to schedule your work for hanging. It's a great way to share with the community.
Coming up March 26th, is the Spring Boutique.  Featuring Connie's Famous Cinnamon Rolls.
 Lunch will be the Costco Dogs with all the trimming.   
Menu for the next week;  Thurs, Jan. 7, Salisbury steak, baked potato wheat bread; Mon. Jan.11, Meatloaf w/gravy, mashed potatoes, sliced carrots, wheat roll, mixed fruit; Tues, Jan. 12 Chicken thigh, w/mushroom sauce, sweet potato, hi C salad, wheat bread, pineapple bits; Wed. Jan. 13, Hot dog, chili beans, sliced apples; Thur. Jan 14, Cheeseburger, potatoes wedges, tropical fruit; Fri. Jan. 15, Breaded fish, mixed vegetables, rich pilaf, applesauce. Don't forget to call the center the day before by noon to put in your lunch order.
Don't forget we have crafts, nickel bingo quilters,computer classes, crochet, lot impact exercise classes, and Red Hatters available at the center.  Come and be a part of the wonderful community.

Blog Archive

Library Corner....Books of the Month! For Info contact our Librarian, Linda Reavely

  • Crusade of Eagles by William Johnstone
  • Dance of the Gods by Nora Roberts
  • Going Home by Nora Roberts
  • Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill
  • Murder at Wrightsville Beach by Ellen Elizabeth Hunter